Sunday, September 8, 2019

Incident report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Incident report - Essay Example Knowledge results from the combination of grasping experience and transforming it† (Kolb 1984). I faced with small but diverse conflicts during my activity. There is a tendency that the middle managers have proven to be more mobile. So first of all I estimated the conflict in order to give an answer to the question of what we can change the current situation. The manager should properly analyze what the person needs or do not needs, and what will only confuse the worker, to be able to articulate the problem and extract the desired information (Aldair 2009). I was needed to think and act quickly in order to satisfy the tasks proposed, I used to concentrate and express my ideas and thoughts correctly in order not to offend anyone ant at the same time be understood by my interlocutors. Kolb proposed six main characteristics for experiential learning (Kolb, 1999), including the following points: His experiential learning theory was developed in order to give a model to develop our practice. This theory has appeared under the different titles like The Learning Cycle, The Kolb Cycle or The Experiential Learning Cycle. The Kolb Cycle is divided into four different stages and it is possible to start at any point, however the order of the stages of learning from experience must not be ruined to achieve the successful results. The Experiential Learning Cycle says that is not enough to get an experience in order of learning. The experience is essential thing when it is necessary to formulate generalisations and concepts, useful for the new situations. In order to prove the skills you should get to the new situations. According to the written above the idea is to link theory and action by planning with reflections back to the theory. In order to join it to my activity I need to open each category a bit more. Concrete experience is

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