Saturday, August 31, 2019

Michael Jackson Psychobiography

When I first registered for this class I wasn’t really expecting anything to happen. I thought I would be bored, probably not pay any attention, and do what I had to in order to pass so that I can graduate. However, throughout the semester, I found myself enchanted by some of the creativity most of the artist created. I never appreciated art before, and a part of me feels disappointed at that thought now, because I have learned to appreciate some of the emotional depth and the expression these artists showed in their work.I found myself going to the museum whenever I have time now just to walk around and look at some of the things that are there. I hadn’t realized how much art ties into many different aspects of history and even surprisingly psychology. For the most part, this class, though I haven’t really engaged in topics, have opened my eyes to art, and really see that there is actually more than just paint on a canvas, or there is more meaning to a sculpture than meets the eyes. DAVID GARIBALDI David Garibaldi probably is not the most widely known artist of our time. He is still fairly young, but I fell in love with his art.There are many famous living artists today that I could have talked about, but Garibaldi really captured my attention. So, it would not surprise me if many people did not know who David Garibaldi is or know of is his artwork. To be honest, I did not know who he was either had he never appeared on America’s Got Talent in this 2012 past season. He has this mixture to his style of work which includes visual and performing art. There is this uniqueness to how he creates his work pieces, and I found it astonishing at how fast he can get a single art piece done and still be able to draw a person in instantly.Garibaldi Paintings Some people like things they can relate to, possibly understand just to keep them interested, and I thought that some of his art expresses that. In the first page of this paper, some of the images that are displayed are all from David Garibaldi. If you have not noticed, most of the pieces I have chosen to display on the cover page ties people in with music and dance. In my own opinion, I think Garibaldi expresses in most of his art pieces a sense of equality and unity among different people in gender and race.Though he does paint different portraits, he focuses on drawing people that tie in with music, for example, musicians. He has paintings of women enjoying and creating music, which to me, tells me that women should not be afraid to express themselves. Most women in today’s generation have trouble with self-esteem, so to me the paintings he has displaying women with the hair hiding the faces or, the image of a woman looking away gives the viewer a chance to let themselves think as if they were the image painted. If that were the case then that kind of style could encourage the viewer to step out of their shell.The image in the beginning of this paper the one that shows a group of people at a disco rink shows release from stress. The different styles, clothing, facial expressions show that people should go out, have fun and to just be yourself in public. DAVID GARIBALDI David Garibaldi probably is not the most widely known artist of our time. He is still fairly young, but I fell in love with his art. There are many famous living artists today that I could have talked about, but Garibaldi really captured my attention. So, it would not surprise me if many people did not know who David Garibaldi is or know of is his artwork.To be honest, I did not know who he was either had he never appeared on America’s Got Talent in this 2012 past season. He has this mixture to his style of work which includes visual and performing art. There is this uniqueness to how he creates his work pieces, and I found it astonishing at how fast he can get a single art piece done and still be able to draw a person in instantly. Garibaldi Paintings Some people like things they can relate to, possibly understand just to keep them interested, and I thought that some of his art expresses that.In the first page of this paper, some of the images that are displayed are all from David Garibaldi. If you have not noticed, most of the pieces I have chosen to display on the cover page ties people in with music and dance. In my own opinion, I think Garibaldi expresses in most of his art pieces a sense of equality and unity among different people in gender and race. Though he does paint different portraits, he focuses on drawing people that tie in with music, for example, musicians. He has paintings of women enjoying and creating music, which to me, tells me that women should not be afraid to express themselves.Most women in today’s generation have trouble with self-esteem, so to me the paintings he has displaying women with the hair hiding the faces or, the image of a woman looking away gives the viewer a chance to let themselves think as if t hey were the image painted. If that were the case then that kind of style could encourage the viewer to step out of their shell. The image in the beginning of this paper the one that shows a group of people at a disco rink shows release from stress. The different styles, clothing, facial expressions show that people should go out, have fun and to just be yourself in public.Portrait of Christ He created a piece called Portrait of Christ, displaying Christ in what looked like his final moments before his crucifixion. I witnessed how created this piece on YouTube, and I just couldn’t believe how he painted this portrait. He created this piece extremely fast, and not to mention he painted the portrait in way that no one could make out at first until he flipped the canvas around to reveal the competition of his painting. The colors embellished in this painting gave off a series of emotions. The purple, blue, white, and green around Christ’s face and neckline resembled abuse .It told me the story of what he had to go through in order to fulfill God’s will in sacrificing himself for mankind. The black around the eye area, frown, and the tilt of the head of Christ shows sadness, or perhaps reciting a prayer since the black covering the area where the eyes would be give an appearance that his eyes are closed. Painted on top of Christ’s head was the crown of thorns with dashes of red to symbolize the blood, sweat and tears he shed for humanity. The image of the crown in the portrait displays a selfless act, one in which Christ had no qualms in wearing since he knew it was for the benefit of others.This portrait is a magnificent piece of art, because I honestly think that by the position Garibaldi painted Christ, the way he moved to create the piece shows such a strong passionate drive Garibaldi has in wanting to portray a deeper intimacy picture of Christ. The canvases which represent the series of colors, the use of musical influence really a dds to his exceptionality style and details with each stroke. Garibaldi paints in front of his audiences enthusiastically because he wants to get across his messages on the canvases to the audience. Michael Jackson Psychobiography When I first registered for this class I wasn’t really expecting anything to happen. I thought I would be bored, probably not pay any attention, and do what I had to in order to pass so that I can graduate. However, throughout the semester, I found myself enchanted by some of the creativity most of the artist created. I never appreciated art before, and a part of me feels disappointed at that thought now, because I have learned to appreciate some of the emotional depth and the expression these artists showed in their work.I found myself going to the museum whenever I have time now just to walk around and look at some of the things that are there. I hadn’t realized how much art ties into many different aspects of history and even surprisingly psychology. For the most part, this class, though I haven’t really engaged in topics, have opened my eyes to art, and really see that there is actually more than just paint on a canvas, or there is more meaning to a sculpture than meets the eyes. DAVID GARIBALDI David Garibaldi probably is not the most widely known artist of our time. He is still fairly young, but I fell in love with his art.There are many famous living artists today that I could have talked about, but Garibaldi really captured my attention. So, it would not surprise me if many people did not know who David Garibaldi is or know of is his artwork. To be honest, I did not know who he was either had he never appeared on America’s Got Talent in this 2012 past season. He has this mixture to his style of work which includes visual and performing art. There is this uniqueness to how he creates his work pieces, and I found it astonishing at how fast he can get a single art piece done and still be able to draw a person in instantly.Garibaldi Paintings Some people like things they can relate to, possibly understand just to keep them interested, and I thought that some of his art expresses that. In the first page of this paper, some of the images that are displayed are all from David Garibaldi. If you have not noticed, most of the pieces I have chosen to display on the cover page ties people in with music and dance. In my own opinion, I think Garibaldi expresses in most of his art pieces a sense of equality and unity among different people in gender and race.Though he does paint different portraits, he focuses on drawing people that tie in with music, for example, musicians. He has paintings of women enjoying and creating music, which to me, tells me that women should not be afraid to express themselves. Most women in today’s generation have trouble with self-esteem, so to me the paintings he has displaying women with the hair hiding the faces or, the image of a woman looking away gives the viewer a chance to let themselves think as if they were the image painted. If that were the case then that kind of style could encourage the viewer to step out of their shell.The image in the beginning of this paper the one that shows a group of people at a disco rink shows release from stress. The different styles, clothing, facial expressions show that people should go out, have fun and to just be yourself in public. DAVID GARIBALDI David Garibaldi probably is not the most widely known artist of our time. He is still fairly young, but I fell in love with his art. There are many famous living artists today that I could have talked about, but Garibaldi really captured my attention. So, it would not surprise me if many people did not know who David Garibaldi is or know of is his artwork.To be honest, I did not know who he was either had he never appeared on America’s Got Talent in this 2012 past season. He has this mixture to his style of work which includes visual and performing art. There is this uniqueness to how he creates his work pieces, and I found it astonishing at how fast he can get a single art piece done and still be able to draw a person in instantly. Garibaldi Paintings Some people like things they can relate to, possibly understand just to keep them interested, and I thought that some of his art expresses that.In the first page of this paper, some of the images that are displayed are all from David Garibaldi. If you have not noticed, most of the pieces I have chosen to display on the cover page ties people in with music and dance. In my own opinion, I think Garibaldi expresses in most of his art pieces a sense of equality and unity among different people in gender and race. Though he does paint different portraits, he focuses on drawing people that tie in with music, for example, musicians. He has paintings of women enjoying and creating music, which to me, tells me that women should not be afraid to express themselves.Most women in today’s generation have trouble with self-esteem, so to me the paintings he has displaying women with the hair hiding the faces or, the image of a woman looking away gives the viewer a chance to let themselves think as if t hey were the image painted. If that were the case then that kind of style could encourage the viewer to step out of their shell. The image in the beginning of this paper the one that shows a group of people at a disco rink shows release from stress. The different styles, clothing, facial expressions show that people should go out, have fun and to just be yourself in public.Portrait of Christ He created a piece called Portrait of Christ, displaying Christ in what looked like his final moments before his crucifixion. I witnessed how created this piece on YouTube, and I just couldn’t believe how he painted this portrait. He created this piece extremely fast, and not to mention he painted the portrait in way that no one could make out at first until he flipped the canvas around to reveal the competition of his painting. The colors embellished in this painting gave off a series of emotions. The purple, blue, white, and green around Christ’s face and neckline resembled abuse .It told me the story of what he had to go through in order to fulfill God’s will in sacrificing himself for mankind. The black around the eye area, frown, and the tilt of the head of Christ shows sadness, or perhaps reciting a prayer since the black covering the area where the eyes would be give an appearance that his eyes are closed. Painted on top of Christ’s head was the crown of thorns with dashes of red to symbolize the blood, sweat and tears he shed for humanity. The image of the crown in the portrait displays a selfless act, one in which Christ had no qualms in wearing since he knew it was for the benefit of others.This portrait is a magnificent piece of art, because I honestly think that by the position Garibaldi painted Christ, the way he moved to create the piece shows such a strong passionate drive Garibaldi has in wanting to portray a deeper intimacy picture of Christ. The canvases which represent the series of colors, the use of musical influence really a dds to his exceptionality style and details with each stroke. Garibaldi paints in front of his audiences enthusiastically because he wants to get across his messages on the canvases to the audience.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Is war ever justified

Wars can be justified through the utilitarian theory and cost benefit analysis. These are dependent on whether the intention of the war is right and the cause for the war is just. Further, wars are only justified when other forms of conflict management have been tried and have failed. There are many types of war, however this essay will focus on military war in particular. Utility Theory and Just War The theory of utility is one way to justify war. The utilitarian approach is defined as the pursuit of the greatest good of society for the greatest number f people in society. There are two branches of utility theory – act and rule.Act utilitarianism looks closely at the Consequences of the act Of war in order to justify engaging in war. Rule utilitarianism will only condone war when the reason for entering a war is just in itself, is based on good intentions and not for selfish reasons. In essence, act utilitarianism can be summarized as the ends justifying the means, while rule utilitarianism can be summarized as genuine intentions justifying the means. For instance, the Allied Forces declaring war on Germany's invasion of their gibbous as well as on their anti-Semitic activities is an example of utilitarianism in action.The declaration of war was to prevent further harm to the world even if it did mean a significant loss to the Allied Forces by engaging in such actions. The end of the German terror as well as the protection Of the persecuted justified the means through which this was achieved. The distinction between act and rule utilitarianism while easily distinguishable in theory, is much harder to apply in real life. The example given above can be categorized under both types of utility theory. The protection of a large persecuted number of people justified entering into war against the anti- Semitic administration in Germany.Viewing it in this manner allows rule utilitarianism to come into play. At the same time, looking at the consequences of war - ? which would be the saving of not only Jews, but also the prevention of invasion of other countries in Europe allows act utilitarianism to justify the Allied Forces declaration on war on Nazi Germany. Utility theory does run the risk of being manipulated and abused and has been used by terrorists and Islamic fundamentalists to justify the use of rower and force for â€Å"jihad† or what they call, â€Å"holy war†.However, it must be noted that utility theory condones war only if it causes the greatest good for the greatest number of society. Even if â€Å"jihad† is considered to be the greatest good, it is only from the perspective of a select few people with biased opinions. Hence, a terrorist's justification of war via utility theory cannot be said to be a true justification at all. Be it act or rule utilitarianism, so long as the ends result in the greatest good for the largest number of people in society and are made with the best intentions in mind, war is justified.Cost-benefit Analysis and Just War The benefits should outweigh the costs in order to justify engaging in war. Cost-benefit analysis is a way of weighing the strengths and weaknesses of alternatives. It helps us determine whether an approach was worth the adoption and practice in terms of benefits in labor, time, Cost savings and so on. It is largely considered an economic analysis and is an approach that can be taken when determining whether a war is justified because of the high socio-economic costs involved in war.A good way to go about analyzing this would be to look at a case study of the Iraq war. The Gulf war resulted in 220,000 Iraqi casualties and a few hundred thousand wounded Iraqis. The costs of war amounted to 6 trillion US dollars. These numbers are neither small nor insignificant. The benefits, however, are the exact opposite. As far as tangible benefits go, the Iraqi economy saw a slight growth in its GAP since the end of the war. Part of this, is a windfal l due to high oil prices but if the war had not taken place, oil sanctions imposed on Iraq would have severely curtailed Iraqi oil sale.This would have further crushed the already dying economy pre-war. Of course, since Cost-Benefit analysis is primarily economic in nature, on paper, the growth in Iraq's GAP is touted by pro-war candidates as being worth the effort. However it would be ridiculous to imagine that Iraq's economy would have grown enough to cover the costs of war even, much less to actually grow enough to recover and sustain the country post-war. Further, as cost-benefit analysis also should include some elements of intangibility, one must take note Of the accessory costs that came along with the war.Besides the devastation and disease that struck Iraq, neighbors Iran also saw acceleration in its nuclear programmed because it saw that as the only way to prevent an imminent US invasion. This is not good for the global economy because it makes the Middle East a very dange rous place. Further, there is a high continuing rate of violence in Iraq because society sees it as the only form of protection for them. Of course, regime change and the demise of Sadism Hussein must be considered in the benefit analysis but despite that, Iraq is still in shambles -? both economically as well as socially.Overall, a cost-benefit analysis allows us another opportunity to evaluate a war and to decide if it can be justified. In the example of Iraq, we can see how it can be used to prove that it cannot be justified. Counter argument However, despite these two analytical methods of justifying war, they come with a caveat. The caveat being that they are only used to justify war when negotiations have failed between parties; all peaceful methods have been already exhausted and war is the final and only option available to them. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.Many a time, countries prepare for war while negotiations are ongoing. Worse still, they may not even en gage in any peaceful forms of collaboration or settlement at all. The notions of war always remain at the back of countries' minds. The Cold War may seem like a successful instance where there were no missiles or bombs unloaded on either the USSR or the US. However, there was a war nonetheless and a war which lasted 30 years. Despite supposed ‘peaceful' negotiations between the two superpowers, the thought of missile warfare was always at the back of their minds.It would not be far-fetched to imagine that this severely impacted the success Of their discussions. One cannot fully and calmly negotiate with a finger on the trigger. It was merely a combination of luck, timing and the right set of leaders that prevented the outbreak of a disastrous third world war. Conclusion War can be justified through two methods – utility theory and cost-benefit analysis. These allow an intangible and tangible account of the ways in which a war can be explained as being necessary.

MGT test study guide

We want to understand what operations managers do. 4. MM is such a costly part of an organization What MM People Do: Planning, Staffing, Leading & Controlling Goods vs.. Services: Manufacturers produce tangible product, services often intangible, Operations activities often very similar, Distinction not always clear, few pure services.Productivity units Produced/lineups used, Measure of process improvement, represents output relative to Input, Only through productivity Increases can our standard of living improve. Multi-Factor Productivity: Output/Labor * Materials *Energy* Capital *Miscellaneous. Also known as total factor productivity, outputs & inputs often expressed in dollars, multiple resources units multi-factor productivity. Chapter 2: Global View Of Operations: Reduce costs, Improve supply chain, Provide better goods & services, understand markets, Learn to improve operations, Attract & retain global Allen.Tangible 0 Intangible reasons. Mission & Strategy: M: Where the organ ization is going, Organizational purpose for being, Provides boundaries & focus. S: How the organization will get there, functional areas have strategies; strategies exploit opportunities & strengths, neutralize threats & avoid weaknesses. Strategies for Competitive Advantage: Differentiation: Better or at least different, Cost Leadership: Cheaper, Response: Rapid Reposes.Competing in D: uniqueness can go beyond OTOH the physical characteristics & service attributes to encompass everything that impacts customers perception of value Competing In C: Provide the maximum values as perceived by customer, doesn't Imply low quality. Competing on R: Flexibility: Matching market changes in design innovation & volumes, reliability is meeting schedules, timeliness is quickness in design, production & delivery. Business vs.. Operations Strategy: Strategy Development: Product Design Is a business Issue, have to design the product well In order to sell It make money off of It.

Thursday, August 29, 2019 - community - ERP, CRM, Business Intelligence, and Essay - community - ERP, CRM, Business Intelligence, and Intranet and Portal Development - Essay Example The portal is provides employees with a one stop shop for all their policy, HR, content needs. Allow customers to be capable of login to their account place and observe their orders and consignment information, log cases for matters they are experiences, update their profile, converse in groups about the products. Allow suppliers to be capable to communicate and work together with the XYZ engineers and leaders at XYZ Industries around their orders; monitor the status of the orders (Kao 22). Customers: account login, attain shipment information, view orders, update profile, log compliments and feedbacks and converse in groups. Suppliers: connect with XYZ engineers, leaders, monitor order status, view payment details and monitor order movement. Employees: log in to assess HR, Policy and content needs (Kao 22). System Diagram (High Level): Develop system diagram to demonstrate the key workings of the Architecture. ERP System: assess all of XYZ customers and forecast information is consolidated in the CRM resolution, so business owners can receive current forecasts and create reports automatically (Mall 178). In addition, through consolidation of this data, management can get a more international view of the issues driving real purchase decisions. CRM-Improved contact and rapid liberation of information will decrease the time essential to close even the principal of deals (Satzinger 208). Fast liberation of requested in sequence would consequence in the competitive benefit that may just push those explanation sales over the top (Mall 178). System Context Diagrams represent every external entity that may interrelate with a classification. Such an illustration pictures the organization at the middle, with no issues of its interior organization, bordered by all its interacting environments, systems, and activities (Mall 178). Security Protocols: A security protocol is an abstract or tangible protocol that executes a security-oriented operation and

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Nintendo Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nintendo - Case Study Example Apart from this, the ease with which customers can adapt to the games is also a driving force and making the competition more intense within the industry. 4. Nintendo is focusing on delivering products which are unique and are not being used in the industry by others. As such, it is focusing on the differentiation strategy by producing gaming consoles which are radically different from the competitors. Nintendo has been using differentiation strategy however, it is using it relatively defensive manner. 6. One of the key strengths of the firm is its ability to manufacture technologically simple gaming consoles and other products. However this not guarantees the competitive position for the firm as big giants like Sony and Microsoft. Though it has a competitive advantage in producing handheld gaming consoles however, its advantage is not sustainable as it requires consistent improvements in technology to dominate the market. 8. It needs to further develop its existing markets by diversifying into other and related products in the existing markets. It needs to improve its existing markets by launching new products in the same markets it is serving

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Finance For Managers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Finance For Managers - Essay Example Top managers use budgets for the company as a whole while middle managers traditionally focus on the budget performance of their department or division. Normally the types of budgets used in different units pertain to expense budget, revenue budget, cash budget and capital budget. And expense budget focuses on anticipated and actual expense for each department. When actual expenses exceed budgeted amounts, the difference signals the need to managers to identify whether a problem exists. It could highlight inefficiencies or leakages or in retrospect if expenses are below budget, it could signal exceptional efficiency or failure to meet some other target, e.g. sales. Revenue budget lists forecasted and actual revenues of the division and / or the organization. Cash budget estimates receipts and expenditures of money of a daily or weekly basis – it shows the level of funds flowing through the organization and their nature. Cash budget is very important for liquidity management of the company for daily business activities. Capital budget is for planned investments in major assets. It not only have large impact on future expense, it is for investments designed to enhance profits of the organization. Capital budgets needs to be monitored in order to evaluate whether the assumptions made about return on such investments are holding true. Many traditional companies use top down budgeting which means that the budgeted amounts for the coming year are literally imposed on middle and lower level managers. The managers set departmental budget targets in accordance with over all company revenues and expenditures specified by top executives. Although there are some advantages to the top down process, the movement toward employee empowerment, participation and learning encourages the adoption of bottom up budgeting – a process in which lower level managers anticipate their departments’

Monday, August 26, 2019

Baroque to Classical Kinds of Music and Composers Essay

Baroque to Classical Kinds of Music and Composers - Essay Example An imperative kind of instrumental music in the Baroque period was the concerto. Two of the best writers of concertos were Corelli and Vivaldi. Vivaldi's The Four Seasons is not just an excellent and suggestive bit of music, but at the same time it is an impeccable representation of the expanding beautiful force Baroque music was going for. Vivaldi's most well known pieces are the concertos for one or several solo violins and string symphony, in spite of the fact that he made an extraordinary arrangement out of music in different classifications, including musical dramas, cantatas, and others. Vivaldi took after the typical example of the period in his concertos by encircling a musical or sensational moderate second development with quick and energetic first and third developments. In reality, Vivaldi's instrumental works establish the framework for the concerto's advancement into the Classical Period. Toward the established Classical period in the history of classical music the orch estra had little contrast to its Baroque forerunner. As the years advanced, we see the expansion of more woodwind and metal instruments as composers discovered approaches to give the wind instruments more character and profundity. Significantly, the Classical period saw the presentation of a structure which has commanded instrumental organization to the present day: sonata structure. With it came the present day's advancement orchestra, concerto, trio, sonata, and quartet to another top of basic and expressive refinement.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Patriarchy, the System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Patriarchy, the System - Essay Example However, Johnson would want to show to us that these would not be able to present us the actual working social patterns in the society. In order for us to better grasp the vital thoughts of Johnson about patriarchy, being acquainted to the idea of a system, participation and resistance are important concepts that highlight the presence of male privilege and female gender oppression. We shall be able to discuss them in concrete and great detail for us to take hold of the ultimate concept that Johnson would want to share with us. The article entitled â€Å"Patriarchy, the System: An It, Not a He, a Them, or an US† is the actual work of Johnson depicting rich information about patriarchy as a system and how systematic male gender privilege informs sexism. This work is the actual reference of all the concepts and thoughts integrated into the work at hand. This paper explains what Johnson means by Patriarchy, the System, elaborating how male gender privilege and female gender oppre ssion consist of more than simply the actions of individuals. The work at hand also involves examples for us to understand how systematic male gender privilege informs sexism. ... nge of this system, but Johnson believes that the individual choices of actions could make a difference, and even could possibly initiate total system change. Johnson started to define Patriarchy as a system by elaborating some examples of other systems like capitalism and the game ‘monopoly’. For Johnson, in a capitalistic society, every worker has less power to level up with the capitalists and would never have any chance to exercise what they would want to do even if they could (p. 30). The reason is that they are strongly confined within the system that everyone is doing, and so it is hard for an individual to deviate from the entire working system. In a capitalistic society, the rule is to gain, no matter how detailed personal convictions may internally protest or showcase disapproval. For as long as the ultimate goal is achieved in the end, the whole system can be said that it conspires to create a necessary output. In addition, Johnson also provides a detailed exa mple by explaining the working concept of a game called ‘monopoly.’ According to Johnson, this game manifests actual working system, which aids the individual player to best the opponents. The purpose of the game is to win, but prior to winning, there is an actual system that everyone should participate and show no resistance particularly with the working rules (p. 34). The important points that surface in the above two examples are the actual concepts of ‘participation’ and ‘least resistance’ that could help us elaborate the complex system surrounding patriarchy. According to Johnson, socialization is a mechanism for training people to participate (p. 37). As we therefore participate in social systems, we are shaped as individuals leading us to participate in social life via

Saturday, August 24, 2019

What implications does the non-ratification of the European Essay

What implications does the non-ratification of the European Constitution have for the future development of the EU - Essay Example As of February 2007, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Romania, Slovenia and Spain have ratified this treaty. The referenda in Spain and Luxembourg showed that such a constitution was agreeable to most of the people. Moreover, countries like Finland, Germany and Slovakia had made all the necessary preparations for its ratification. The National legislation of the Member States has to be amended in order to ratify the European Constitution. Referenda of citizens’ opinions play an important role in this process of ratification of the European Constitution. The European Constitution cannot be implemented until and unless all the Member States ratify it. Implementation of the Constitutional Treaty requires the consent of all the Member States of the European Union. The Constitutional Treaty will not be enforced even if one Member State refuses to accept it. This has been termed as the vetoing of the Constitution. While the Constitutional Treaty was made the subject of national referenda quite some debate transpired in respect of national interests. The fact that such a constitution would prove to be of advantage to both the Union and its Member States was not debated (Shaw, 2005). The future of Europe has been discussed since the time that the European Council had undertaken a Declaration on the future of the European Union in the year 2001. This was subsequent to the Treaty of Nice 2000, which had projected the Union as being more democratic, transparent and effective. This Declaration known as the Laeken Declaration proposed the adoption of a Constitution for Europe. It was also agreed to form a Convention comprising of representatives from the governments and parliaments of the Member States. In this manner the foundation for a Constitutional Treaty for Europe was in Rome in the year 2004 and it was approved by the Heads of State and government of the Member States. In order

Friday, August 23, 2019

Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement in Peruvian History Essay

Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement in Peruvian History - Essay Example Its impact also exceeded the Peruvian border. Indeed the Cuban Revolution was one of the direct consequences of the Tupac Amaru. Victor Polay and Nestor Cerpa Cartolini: Victor Polay Campos is the founder of Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA) in 1983 and is the leader of the group military Tribunal in 1989. He appears to keep hold of a position of his family say that Campos, fluent in Spanish, French and also Basque. He gets sentenced several times but last for 32 years prison on March 21st, 2006. ‘Campos’ is the son of victor Polay- Risco, the founder of Peruvian Aprista party and is the son of a half Chinese comes in Peru to work in the sugarcane plantations. Nestor Cepra Cartolini: (born in 14, August, 1953 Lima) in a working class district of La Victoria. He becomes the leader of the Peruvian Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA). As a union leader in the 1970s, involves in the invasion by workers of the Cromotex Textile factory in December 1978. In the ea rly 1980s, becomes involved with the nascent MRTA and comes to the leader position of the San Martin Zone Committee in haste and after that to the national leadership of MRTA. Origin of Amaru Revolutionary Movement The MRTA originates from the amalgamation of the â€Å"Marxist-Leninist Revolutionary Socialist Party† and the militant section of the â€Å"Revolutionary Left Movement† in 1980. A number of former members of the Peruvian Army participate in the leftist â€Å"Government of the Juan Velasco Alvarado† (1968-1975). Whereas the â€Å"Marxist-Leninist Revolutionary Socialist Party† rose from a legal political background, the â€Å"Revolutionary Left Movement† was a faction of the â€Å"Revolutionary Left Movement†, a Castroist guerrilla group which suffered a sheer defeat in 1965. The MRTA attempts to bring other leftist movements on a unified platform, following the first autonomous elections in Peru after the military regime of Juan Velasco Alvarado (1968–1980). Operations of Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement: The first operation of the Tupac Amaru Activists occurs on 31 May, 1982. In the operation , five members of the organization under the leadershp of Victor Polay Campos and Jorge Talledo Feria robbed a bank in La. Both Victor Campos and Jorge Talledo were the members of the Central committee of the organization. In the operation, for the time, the movement lost its member Talledo. Peru’s counterterrorist agenda diminish the strength of the group to carry out more operation and through the passage of time, the organization suffers from internal clashes as well as aggressive clashes with other Maoist rival, the imprisonment or the pass away of the senior leaders and loss of leftist support in 2001. The fighters of the organization led an attack on the town of Jean located in the northern part of Cajamarca on 6 July 1992. After a severe shootout, they were driven out of the town and a police ma n named Eladio Garcia died in the firefight. In its final but the most violent operation, Fourteen armed Activists of the Tupac Amaru Movement took up the Japanese Ambassador’s abode in Lima and held 72 â€Å"hostages for more than four months†. In December, 1996, the last major action of the Tupac Amaru guerrillas ended unsuccessfully with the death of Nestor Cerpa Cartolini, the second Commander

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Achieving Personal Goals While Contributing to the Good of Humanity Essay

Achieving Personal Goals While Contributing to the Good of Humanity - Essay Example The first acquaintance with your university was as a result of inquiries that I made to my mentors about the best institution to prepare myself for my chosen career. They highly recommended this institution as a value-based organization that is committed to the development of highly qualified professionals who will not only deliver on their mandates effectively but will also contribute towards the achievement of national goals. As a nature enthusiast, I love the park-like setting of this university and would love an opportunity to call such a beautiful setting my home during my most formative years. Also, the sporting environment around the university is attractive to me because I like running. In addition, the city of Geneva is a melting pot of cultures that will provide an opportunity to appreciate the culture of other countries. I also have an interest in international affairs which staying in Geneva will enable me to explore. For example, the location of the United Nations and th e financial centre that is the city will give me an opportunity to interact with both organizations and individuals that shape global affairs. The institution has a qualified and dedicated staff that facilitates the learning process by making sure that they have all the resources that they need to learn (Webster University 1). In addition, the institution has created a culture of collaboration among both the student and teaching community. Furthermore, the institution is committed to global academic standards. This is important for me since I want to intern at an international organization.

Negative speech for legalization of divorce Essay Example for Free

Negative speech for legalization of divorce Essay A divorce formally dissolves a legal marriage. While married couples do not possess a constitutional or legal right to divorce, states permit divorces because to do so best serves public policy. To ensure that a particular divorce serves public policy interests, some states require a cooling-off period, which prescribes a time period after legal separation that spouses must bear before they can initiate divorce proceedings. Courts in the United States currently recognize two types of divorces: absolute divorce, known as divorce a vinculo matrimonii and limited divorce, known as divorce a menso et thoro. To obtain an absolute divorce, courts require some type of evidentiary showing of misconduct or wrongdoing on one spouses part. An absolute divorce is a judicial termination of a legal marriage. An absolute divorce results in the changing back of both parties statuses to single. Limited divorces are typically referred to as separation decrees. Limited divorces result in termination of the right to cohabitate but the court refrains from officially dissolving the marriage and the parties statuses remain unchanged. Some states permit conversion divorce. Conversion divorce transforms a legal separation into a legal divorce after both parties have been separated for a statutorily-prescribed period of time. Many states have enacted no-fault divorce statutes. No fault divorce statutes do not require showing spousal misconduct and are a response to outdated divorce statutes that require proof of adultery or some other unsavory act in a court of law by the divorcing party. Nevertheless, even today, not all states have enacted no fault divorce statutes. Instead, the court must only find 1) that the relationship is no longer viable, 2) that irreconcilable differences have caused an irremediable breakdown of the marriage, 3) that discord or conflict of personalities have destroyed the legit ends of the marital relationship and prevents any reasonable possibility of reconciliation, or 4) that the marriage is irretrievably broken. Look to various state laws to determine the divorce law within a particular jurisdiction. The Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act may provide further guidance. PROPERTY DIVISION Following a divorce, the court must divide the property between the spouses. Before legislatures equalized property allocation between both spouses, many divorce statutes substantially favored property allocation to the wage-earning spouse. These statutes greatly disadvantaged women disproportionately because during the 18th, 19th, and early-20th centuries, the participation of women in the workplace was much less than it has become during the latter-half of the 20th century and early part of the 21st century. The statutes failed to account for the contributions of the spouse as homemaker and child-raiser. Modern courts recognize two different types of property during property division proceedings marital property and separate property. Marital property constitutes any property that the spouses acquire individually or jointly during the course of marriage. Separate property constitutes any property that one spouse purchased and possessed prior to the marriage and that did not substantially change in value during the course of the marriage because of the efforts of one or both spouses. If the separate property-owning spouse trades the property for other property or sells the property, the newly-acquired property or funds in consideration of the sale remain separate property. Modern division of property statutes strive for an equitable division of the marital assets. An equitable division does not necessarily involve an equal division but rather an allocation that comports with fairness and justice after a consideration of the totality of the circumstances. By dividing the assets equitably, a judge endeavors to effect the final separation of the parties and to enable both parties to start their post-marital lives with some degree of financial self-sufficiency. While various jurisdictions permit recognition of different factors, most courts at least recognize the following factors: contribution to the accumulation of marital property, the respective parties liabilities, whether one spouse received income-producing property while the other did not, the duration of the marriage, the age and health of the respective parties, the earning capacity and employability of the respective parties, the value of each partys separate property, the pension and retirement rights of each party, whether one party will receive custodial and child support provisions, the respective contributions of the spouses as a homemaker and as a parent, the tax consequences of the allocations, and whether one spouses marital misconduct caused the divorce. Most jurisdictions also give the family court judge broad jurisdiction by providing judges with the right to consider any other just and proper factor. When assigning property, judges cannot transfer the separate propert y of one spouse to another spouse without the legislature having previously passed an enabling statute. Whether such an enabling statute exists varies between jurisdictions. Alimony refers to payments from one spouse to the other. A court can order one spouse to pay three different types of alimony permanent alimony, temporary alimony, and rehabilitative alimony. Permanent alimony requires the payer to continue paying either for the rest of the payers life or until the spouse receiving payments remarries. Temporary alimony requires payments over a short interval of time so that the payment recipient can stand alone once again. The period of time covers the length of the property division litigation. Similar to temporary alimony, rehabilitative alimony requires the payer to give the recipient short-term alimony after the property division proceedings have concluded. Rehabilitative alimony endeavors to help a spouse with lesser employability or earning capacity become adjusted to a new post-marital life. Courts allocate alimony with the intention of permitting a spouse to maintain the standard of living to which the spouse has become accustomed. Factors affecting whether the court awards alimony include the marriages length, the length of separation before divorce, the parties ages, the parties respective incomes, the parties future financial prospects, the health of the parties, and the parties respective faults in causing the marriages demise. If a couple had children together while married, a court may require one spouse to pay child support to the spouse with custody, but one should note that alimony and child support differ.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Is Poetry Dangerous For Human Society Philosophy Essay

Is Poetry Dangerous For Human Society Philosophy Essay At first, one may be surprised at Socrates notion that the peaceful and enchanting nature of poetry can have detrimental effects on society. In Platos Republic, Socrates attacks poetry by asking the essential question of whether or not the pleasure that poetry creates is good for us. Socrates speaks of an old quarrel between philosophy and poetry, which both greatly influence ethics, politics, and society. Socrates criticizes well-known and praised poets, including Homer, and the role of poetry itself in society by claiming that poetry is unjust and unethical. For example, Socrates states, The ones Hesiod and Homer told us, and the other poets too. They surely composed false tales for human beings and used to tell them and still do tell them (Rep. 2.377d). Socrates believes poetry is not an appropriate because it is written without reason but by inspiration alone, teaches incorrect values, is merely an imitation, and encourages excessive emotions from those listening. Socrates begins his argument by discussing proper education of citizens in the just city. Socrates compares the poet to a man in speech making a bad representation of what gods and heroes are like, just as a painter who paints something that doesnt resemble the things whose likeness he wished to paint (Rep. 2.377e). Poets only write from their own inspiration, not from reason or through any deep intellectual understanding. Their work only shows understanding in the material realm and not of the intellectual realm. Socrates claims that these poems not only contain many fabrications of the truth but fabrications that are held up as model behavior. A young child that is in the process of receiving his education should not be exposed to these stories because a young thing cant judge what is hidden sense and what is not; but what he takes into his opinions at that age has a tendency to become hard to eradicate and unchangeable (Rep. 2.378d-e). Socrates continues to say that the stories that children hear first should be virtuous and portray the gods truthfully by describing them as good. In Homers Odyssesy, the gods, such as Zeus and Athena, are depicted as tricky and full of deceit; Socrates claims all of Homers references about the nature of the gods as false because the gods are not capable of evil doings and do not want to alter themselves because each of them is as fair and as good as possible, he remains forever simply in his own shape (Rep. 2.381c). For instance, Athena is depicted as the ultimate trickster throughout the Odyssey because she appears to mortals in different shapes and forms, specifically when interacting with Odysseus and Telemachus. According to Socrates, Athena is not capable of this trickery that Homer bestows to her but is only capable of justice and good deeds. However, the entire basis of the Odyssey is that Homer was divinely inspired shown through the narrator saying, Speak, Muse (Od. 1.1). T his statement implies that the Muse speaks through Homer to construct the stories that make up the Odyssey. Nevertheless, Socrates believes that such poetry should be censored from citizens to protect the just morals in the city. Since citizens find it difficult to distinguish between what is wrong and right, role-models of the just city should be completely moral. Socrates fears that the stories of gods punishing, tricking, and lying to mortals will have a disadvantageous affect on children who may begin to believe that these actions are correct or even good. The aim of censoring tales is to instill the belief in children that just actions are admirable while socially unjust actions are dishonorable. Socrates furthers to expand his argument greatly in Book III. Socrates claims that poetry invokes excessive emotion that is not in accordance with reason and analyzes the ethical and mental effects of poetry. Socrates begins by saying that tales should be shaped in a way that does not depict Hades as a place full of terror but rather to praise it, because what they say is neither true nor beneficial for men who are to be fighters (Rep. 3.386b-c). Socrates is making a reference to the famous meeting in the Odyssey of Odysseus and Achilles in Hades. Achilles says that he would rather be a hired hand back up on earth, slaving away for some poor dirt farmer, than lord it over all these withered dead (Od. 11.510-513). Fearing Hades more than slavery is seriously detrimental to the success of a guardian because the guardian will have trouble maintaining strength and loyalty to his people in battle. The idea of Hades should be expunged in Socrates view because it is false and is not benefic ial for guardians, who have to show immense courage in battle. Also, Socrates warns against powerful emotions with the guardians by saying that they shouldnt be lovers of laughter (Rep. 3.388e). Socrates wants the guardians to strive for complete moderation with their emotions in all aspects of their lives. Poetry that is censored by philosophy can maintain this balance in the guardians and citizens of the just city. Socrates knows that poetry is needed to invoke emotion, but philosophy is needed to keep those emotions in moderation. With the two in harmony, the citizens can live a content life of moderation. Having dealt with the content of poems, Socrates now discusses the style of poetry that poets take. Socrates characterizes poetic narration into narratives that are either simple, produced by imitation, or both together (Rep. 3.392d). When the poet speaks with his own voice without meter, as in dithyrambs, it is simple narrative; when the poet likens himself to another man, as in tragedies or comedies, it is imitative narration (Rep. 3.394c). Socrates believes that each person in the just city can only do their best work in one activity alone. Therefore, no one can do a good job imitating many things. For example, Socrates claims that one cannot be both a tragic poet and a comedic poet (Rep. 3.395b). Nevertheless, Socrates ends by insisting that the guardians must not engage in imitations. If they do, the imitations they engage in must be righteous and not detrimental to their development. Since imitations, if they are practiced continually from youth onwards, become established as h abits and nature, in body and sounds and in thought the guardian children should only be allowed to imitate those actions of men who are courageous, moderate, holy, free, and everything of the sort (Rep. 3.395c). Socrates continues in Book X to completely rid poets from the just city. Socrates claims that the poets do not truly know what they are writing about because they have no firsthand experience or knowledge about their writing. What poets write about are far from the truth and maim the thought of those who hear them (Rep. 10.595b). Socrates attacks poets by saying that the poet knows nothing worth mentioning about what he imitates (Rep.10.602b). Socrates holds philosophical nature to be far superior to imitative art. Then, Socrates criticizes poets, especially Homer, for their lack of knowledge upon the topics they write about and therefore lack of any knowledge that can be gained from reading their works. Socrates also does not approve of how poets imitate the soul. Poets describe excessive emotions and ones that are not rational or in moderation. The lamentation of heroes in poetry brings enjoyment to those who watch, but Socrates says when personal sorrow comes to one of us, you are aware that, on the contrary, we pride ourselves if we are able to keep quiet and bear up, taking this to be the part of a man and what we then praised to be that of a woman (Rep. 10.605e). Even if the character is a fictional one, taking enjoyment in anyones suffering can corrupt ones soul. Socrates emphasizes the danger of irrational emotions to ones soul when he states that: And as for sex, and spiritedness, too, and for all the desires, pains, and pleasures in the soul that we say follow all our action, poetic imitation produces similar results in us. For it fosters and waters them when they ought to be dried up, and sets them up as rulers in us when they ought to be ruled so that we may become better and happier instead of worse and more wretched. These desires grow in ones soul to the point where one begins to imitate the actions of those on stage, causing one to become more miserable and unhappy. One also cannot understand the pain that the characters are going through simply by watching them on stage. They must experience it firsthand to truly know the emotions felt by those portrayed by the poets. Despite the dangers poetry imposes, Socrates regrets ridding the city of all poetry. He says that only so much of poetry as is hymns to gods or celebration of good men should be admitted into a city (Rep. 10.607a). However, Socrates cannot use these forms of poetry to convince Glaucon of the importance of philosophy so he uses a reformed version of poetry with the myth of Er. The myth of Er describes the alternative that Socrates wants for Hades. The myth opens by describing a strong man named Er who died in war but came back to life twelve days after his death to tell others about the eternal world (Rep. 10.614b). In the myth, heaven is described as a place where virtue is rewarded and unjust deeds were paid for ten times over for each (Rep. 10.615a). People are rewarded or punished for their life deeds every thousand years, and then are given the opportunity to choose their form in their next life (Rep. 10.615a-620a). Socrates here integrates Homeric heroes into this story without emotion to prove that wisdom and knowledge is the best way to enrich ones soul. The correct choice for ones form in his next life is only discovered by those who were just while alive. Socrates portrays Odysseus, Ajax, and Agamemnon all as philosophers who choose their next life form wisely based on events of their past lives. The philosophers know how to choose their new life, because they understand what was just and unjust in their past lives. Socrates ends by giving Glaucon hope in the afterlife and telling him to always keep to the upper road and practice justice with prudence in every way so that we shall be friends to ourselves and the gods, both while we remain here and when we reap the rewards for it (Rep. 10.621d). This type of poetry is much different than Homeric poetry because it provides a deeper understanding of ones soul. It provides hope and knowledge without excessive emotion or immoral actions. Socrates was completely correct in challenging the nature of poetry because its ideals were not in agreement with the positive upbringing of mankind. The world remains fascinated with pleasures that poetry provides even if it does not better them intellectually. The emotions and drama of poetry is to what humanity appeals. Even though Socrates tries to give poetry a philosophical twist with the myth of Er, this kind of poetry is not as appealing because the emotions and suffering experienced by others is absent. Plainly, humans like to view the despair of others because it makes their troubles seem less daunting. One can obviously see that the ancient quarrel between philosophy and poetry is still alive to this day. For example, the music of this generation definitely has a superficial meaning, but no deeper philosophical message. Without philosophical messages in modern poetry, the world continues to decline in its search for knowledge and the eternal judgment of the soul. Socrates work still applies today and his wisdom will last through the ages. With the help of Socrates, the world can work towards being one that is full of both knowledge and eternal happiness.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Girls becoming more involved in violent gang related activities

Girls becoming more involved in violent gang related activities In the past half century academic literature and research regarding female youth crime has vastly popularised. Previous to this, society and theorist treated young women and women as homogenous and treated youth crime as a way to describe male youth offending. However over the past half a century, theorist such as Frances Hiedensohn (1968) drew attention to a largely ignored field of human behaviour namely deviance and criminal women. In this essay question several key issues are going to be addressed. Firstly this essay will explore a historical context of female youth offenders (FYOs), this will prove significant, if we seek to answer the essay question we have to make the distinction between the numbers of female youth that previously were involved in violent and gang-related activities, and compare them to recent female youth involvement within the same field. Secondly this essay will explore the media aspect on the subject to deeply seek/find out if young women are becoming more involved within violent activities or media representations are the results of the recent claims, furthermore moral panic will be examined in this section and offer an insight into how that impacts young female offenders and the public perception that accompanies them. Thirdly the double standard of morality theory will be discussed and work drawn on from the Youth Justice board (YJB) and the issue surrounding the double standard of morality will be essential in answering the essay title. Finally in the conclusion the essay will ultimately address/answer the essay title and give a clear unanimous understanding of the involvement of young women in violence and gang-related activities. Along with the above a wide range of academic sources such as official research statistics, articles, web pages, journals and academic literature will be used to portray a clear understanding and support a clear organised framework. Throughout recent history work undertaken on violent and gang-related FYOs has been few and far between. However upon entering the 21st century a new emergence of young female gangs and a new phenomena regarding young female violence has been socially displayed as a major social problem in which a new generation of teen mothers, binge drinking girls and unemployed young women are to blame. Historically criminological theory has been dominated by males. Female deviance was seen as primarily one of sexual immorality and as such, a blight on the moral fabric of society rather than direct malice against one individual. In the criminological field, females have been relatively ignored up until recent times. In recent times a fair assumption to make regarding violent and gang-related FYOs, would be to assume a massive increase in the subject however looking back as far as the early 20th century, women were involved in violent and gang-related incidents. During the early 1900s, male theorists emerged trying to explain why young women committed crimes. These women were said to be tomboys who were trying to assume a male role (Trasher, 1927:41), suffered from penis envy (Freud, 1924:12), and even that they were deceitful to overcome such things as their lack of a penis, menstruating, and their wanting to be stronger (Pollak, 1950:27). Leading on from this, starting in the 1960s rates in female violence and crime increased. Women were found to participate in more violent acts almost becoming more like men (Simon, 1975). The House of Commons 1999 research paper revealed By 1971 women numbered only 3% of the total prison population. The proportion of women prisoners has risen slightly since the 1970s; in 1998 5% of all prisoners were female (House of Commons 1999:15). As these findings show, numbers of female offenders has steadily risen within the past 30 years. It is important to note, during this 1980s crime rates peaked and almost dou bled the rates previously recorded. Another significant thing to take into account is the age in which young female offenders were committing violent crimes. The Home office (2004) reported the peak offending age for girls was 15 compared to boys at 18. On average young women were committing violent crimes at a younger age than their male counterparts. Following on from the increased crime rates of the 80s, Schramm (1998) in September 1998 found percentage rates of 88% amongst females crime which involved assault. Additionally rises have been detected in the admission of females appearing before the youth court. In 1999 women made up 21% of all cases that appeared before a justice court, in comparison to a 4% increase detected in the year 2000. However the youth offending act (1984) is arguably an excuse to why increased crime levels have been detected. The implementation of stricter charging saw an increase in police charges, but this does not necessarily mean actual crime increase d. In contrast to the use of informal techniques used by the police the youth offending act practically called for higher levels of police charging. Additionally whilst Rutter et al (1998) suggests the number of arrests of girls for violent offences more than doubled and has increased by 250% in the last quarter of the century, we have to keep in to perspective the small amount of FYOs and when statistically handling small numerical numbers the slightest numerical increase results in a large percentage increase. From the statistics above it is easily identifiable, that female involvements with violent offences are becoming more prominent. It is significant this essay examined a historical context, as this gives a fundamental inkling into the basic numbers of females involvement with violent crimes. Leading on from this historical framework, the media will be the next aspect this essay will discuss. This is equally significant as analysing the role of the media and the moral panic that accompanies it, helps us conjure up further ideas to whether females are becoming more involved with violent and gang-related crime. The media holds a substantial role in influencing the publics opinions, thoughts and actions. Girl violence has become a very newsworthy and common topic in recent British newspapers. This is purely because of the offenders gender along with the way violent girls seem to challenge the common perceptions of nicely behaved girls and how they are supposed to act. This also links in with the double standard of mortality which will be discussed later. Newspapers usually use horrifying titles such as Ladette Britain: Violence among women soars as record 250 are arrested every day (Daily Mail 29/1/10) or Violence is just a fact of life say teenage girls, (Daily Telegraph, 7/10/00) to portray research findings. However in some cases, inaccurate and biased data is manipulated into sensational newspaper headlines. Titles such as one girl she was too scared to leave the house for fear of being attacked, was manipulated from the quote one girl told she was afraid to leave the house for fear of b eing sexually attacked (Batchelor 2001:58). An important thing to note would be newspaper headlines dont capture or represent the typical British female, furthermore it could be argued, that they only write on violent female youth crime because it generates a strong supply for an interesting thus newsworthy story. Arguably the primary concern with misrepresenting the reality of young womens lives is that it can contribute to unrealistic public attitudes, which in turn can create misdirected public policy and moral panics. Work conducted by Gelsthorpe and Sharpe (2006) state current perceptions of girls apparent violent behaviour can perhaps be seen as an indication of prevailing societal concerns about morality: girls purported violence is seen as a threat to social order, just as during the last century their sexuality was the primary focus of attention (56). In basic terms, they depict how violent behaviour in young women maybe a new phenomena to society thus being susceptible to moral panics. They later discuss how old concerns about girls status on binge drinking and high teen pregnancy rates relate to the moral panic of increased female violent offences. In the case of a moral panic, frequently government policy is implemented to prevent a potential problem from escalating. Following on from this, research produced by Chesney-Lind (2001) and Steffensmeier et al (2005) proposes that girls are being prosecuted more willingly for offences that may not have been prosecutable in the past. This harsher approach is debatably due to the moral panic aspect of the spectrum and how the government want to be seen as taking action against this social threat. This ultimately leads to a negative perception on young females as it shows them in a negative setting. As briefly mentioned above, the media and the double standard of morality theory are very much linked together. The way the media use misrepresented and stereotypical views of women as a tool for creating a good taboo story, as opposed to how females should conform to the ideas of womanhood. The double standard of morality theory also looks at differences between men and women and attempts to challenge why women are interpreted differently by criminal justice professionals. Discussing this is important due to the implication the theory still subconsciously has on todays criminal justice system. Additionally analysing the theory may help to offer an insight into the treatment of young women. This also inter-links with the media portrayals of young female offenders as both approaches impose the same views on them. The double standard of morality is the morality co-existent with chivalry imposes double-standards on men and women, in terms of this essay that is relevant to note that the theory condones the same behaviour in one sex (males) while punishing it in the other (females). Key theorists such as Kennedy and Carlen believe women get treated differently due to the perception and ideas regarding womanhood. Kennedy continues to explain; ideally women should conform to the appropriate ideas of womanhood. Carlen elaborates that female offenders are seen as other than real women, other than real criminals and other than real prisoners (1988:34). A key distinction made in the double standard of morality theory is the idea that society expects men to get into trouble, and that mens criminality is normal and inherently natural. Women on the other hand, in particular girls are seen as sick, mad, disturbed or deficient and in need of treatment because the behaviour does not equate with the idea of h ow a woman is supposed to behave. These women are said to be doubly damned and doubly deviant (Bottoms, 1996: 1). They are seen as mad not bad (Lloyd, 1995: 36). These behaviours frequently lead to interpretations of being mentally abnormal and unstable. The theory is undoubtedly gender bias and doesnt seem to understand, changing social and economic conditions, environmental influences, cultural traditions and physiological factors must be taken into account when dealing with crime. It fails to acknowledge the myriad of complex interplays of cultural and biological factors that make people individuals. The way this impact on YFOs is by the treatment they receive from criminal justice professionals. In 1987 Hilary Allen argues mental health explanation (including PMS) for female criminality results in lighter punishments by the courts. However, Eileen Leonard five years previous challenges the chivalry factor pointing out how bad women are treated more harshly than some men. As we c an see the differential treatment women receive is a mixture between positive and negative, but this still has to be taken into account as it portrays the way young female offenders are viewed. Todays criminologists are looking more closely at female offenders than ever before. In concluding this essay and taking into account the argument presented throughout. We will evaluate the effects social history, the media and moral panics have on young female offenders and how this affects the way they are portrayed and treated. This essay will ultimately answer whether or not young females are becoming increasingly involved in violent and gang-related crime. Two books published in 1975 Fred Adlers sisters in crime: the rise of the new female criminal and Rita Simmons women in crime, led to a new view of gender and crime. Although both books looked an increase in violent female crimes they both reached different conclusions. Adler stressed the impact of the womens movement. She believed as the roles of women changed, their criminality will be more like that of men. She noted, When we did not permit women to swim at beaches, the female drowning rates were quite low. When women were not permitted to work as bankers the female embezzlement rate was low (Adler, 1975:31). In other words, there was an assumption that because women were confined to the private world with limited access to the public world, they lacked opportunity for crime. Additionally now that women of the current era have more freedom there is more scope for women to be categorised as criminals. In reading this essay it would be fair to assume, that moral panics play a huge role in generating public concern around young female offenders. The moral panic produced by the small increase in female offending patterns contributes to the increasing criminalisation of, and punitiveness towards, them. The small rise in violent female offending has little symbolic significance. Many academics have argued that youth is a social category which has the power to carry a deeper message about the state of society. The collective agonising about girls violence thus perhaps symbolises regrets about the changing social order in late modernity. Ultimately it can be answered according to available evidence including the Youth justice board there certainly is an increased number of convictions for girls and young women for violent offences. However it is not possible to directly attribute these to a real increase in actual offending in this area (for example, self-report data would not suggest an increase). However based on facts and statistics, it shouldnt be a huge public concern. Girls continue to commit fewer and less serious offences than boys and are less likely to reoffend. Young females are no more threatening to society than any other particular group of people but due to gender and the nature of the crime it gets reported on more frequently thus more open to public scrutiny and perception.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Cell Phones: Society‘s Newest Addiction Essay -- Technology, Psycholog

Imagine a situation in life where two friends are out for lunch or a couple is out on a date, and one person is talking on their cell phone the entire time. This is a perfect example of something that we as a society are experiencing more frequently every day. This kind of extremely rude behavior is starting to become the unfortunate norm in many social affairs, and this is just one example of how cell phones are starting to become a major addiction to everyone. Cell phones have become an extreme detriment to society for various reasons that are obvious every day. Cell phones have become the ultimate distraction and addiction for almost everyone in society today. Almost every person that is walking or driving around is on their cell phone in some way. Either they’re texting, on a phone call, or on the internet. It is extremely rare to look around anywhere and not see anyone with a phone in their hand. And when driving, this addiction goes from being just distracting to being seriously dangerous. According to a study by the University of Utah, distraction from cell phone use while driving (hand held or hands free) extends a driver's reaction as much as having a blood alcohol concentration at the legal limit of .08 percent. ( Even with the laws prohibiting texting while driving and having a phone up to the ear, people still do these things every day as if the laws do not exist. Driving and using your phone is a potentially deadly practice, but the addiction to cell phones has grown so strong that most people appear to be unable to put them down, even if it means risking their lives or the lives of their passengers and other drivers on the roads. The addiction to cell phone... ...ble to us nowadays it’s hard to not get caught up in the technological age. But even with all the advancements available to us as a society, we must not forget that there is a real world outside of the flashing, colorful world that is our cell phones. There are people to be spoken to face to face, things to see and do that cannot be experienced unless we look up from our cell phones or take them off our ears for just a small part of our day. A world without cell phones was able to manage and a world with them can function just as well as long as our usage is wise and controlled. Works Cited "Cell Phone Driving Statistics | Get Texting While Driving Statistics & Facts from Nationwide |" Nationwide Insurance - Auto Insurance Quotes and Car Insurance Rates. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2012. .

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Plagiarism :: Cheating Internet Computer Ethics Essays

Plagiarism Plagiarism, or the unaccredited use of another's work or ideas, has become more and more of a problem in recent times than it was in the past. According to statistics found in a survey conducted by the Free Press, 58% of high school students let someone copy their work in 1969, but by 1989 this number had risen to 97%. The expansion of the World Wide Web and the number of people accessing the Web on a regular basis has caused an epidemic of plagiarism in this country, especially among students. This is a serious problem that must be addressed because many students feel that if they are not getting in trouble for cheating, than it is okay. Children are taught to use computers at incredibly young ages, and according to Ann Lanthrop plagiarism has become a problem even in the lowest levels of elementary education. It has become so easy for students to access information for their homework and papers on the Internet that some students feel they should not have to work even a little to receive the grades that they desire. High school students get out of reading novels for their English classes by reading "book notes" online. While in the past students had access to these materials, websites such as Spark Notes, Monkey Notes, and a number of other websites have made access to these "study guides" free to students, causing the temptation to cheat to be even harder to ignore. The Web also offers many ways for students to obtain term papers or essays at a low cost. In many cases, these students do not even bother to change any piece of the paper! The simplicity of the Internet has made cheating on assignments much more effortl ess than in the past, even if students are not directly copying and pasting from Websites, they can also email homework problems and essay questions to every member of the class. Plagiarism is a severe issue that needs to be addressed by both teachers and parents with children while they are still young enough to fear the consequences of their actions. In the United States it is illegal for one to plagiarize the copyrighted work of another human being. Not only does plagiarism violate legal statutes, but it also infringes on longstanding morals and ethics.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Adapting materials

Adoption Concerns with whole course books. Adaptation Concerns the parts that make up that whole. A process of matching To maximize the appropriate of teaching materials In context. Evaluation for adapting materials An exercise to help to develop insights into different views of language and learning into the principle of materials design.Process of adaptation -Internal factors (what the material offers) Content Organization consistency Choice of topics Skills covered Proficiency level Grading of exercise External factors (what we have) Learner characteristics Physical environment Resources Class size Reasons for adapting Aim to make the materials more communicative and authentic Aspects of language use Skills Classroom organization Supplementary materials Principles and procedures -Adding, including expanding (qualitative) and extending (quantitative) Materials are supplemented by putting more into them.Extensions of an existing aspect of content and bringing a qualitative and quant itative change. Expanding adds methodology by moving outside It and impotent. Deleting or omitting Reducing the length of materials as subtracting from it. Small scale-over part of an exercise Large scale-whole unit of a course book Modifying An internal change in the approach or focus of an exercise.Rewriting modify linguistic content and make it more communicative relate activities more closely to learners' own backgrounds and interests introduce models of authentic language set more purposeful tasks Restructuring classroom management design interactive exercise based on number of students and size of class Simplifying One type of modification, a ‘rewriting' activity.Simplify instructions and explanation of exercises and activities and as well as layout of activities To make it becomes easier to be understood Simplification of content and the ways in which that content is presented This technique is mostly use for to reading passages to change various sentence-bound elements to match text more closely to the proficiency level of a particular group of learners. – One can simplify according to Sentence structure. Sentence length is reduced Complex sentence is rewritten as a number of simpler ones.Lexical content Number of new vocabulary items is controlled. Grammatical structures Passives are converted to actives. Reordering Adjusting the sequence of presentation within a unit. Taking units in a different sequence from that originally intended. Separating items of content from each other Regrouping them and putting them together Conclusion work more relevant to the learners. Reference McCullough, J. & Shaw, C. (2003). Materials and methods in LET. (2nd De. ). Australia: Backfill Publishing.

Friday, August 16, 2019

What is DNA Forensic

DNA forensics is a scientific analysis of evidence for crime scene investigations and other legal proceedings. To a DNA profile, scientists compare sequence In the genome that varies from person to person. Like a gene, a encoding genetic sequence is more likely to be match between relatives than between unrelated Individuals (Simon, Dickey, & Race). For example, In the case of a shooting In a Wild Buffalo Wings parking lot In Bear Delaware, police use forensic to link the two Burns and Evans in the case of a 23 year-old they shot.Burns and Evans met up with the 23 year-old to buy heroin from him. The drug dealer enters the car and was shot by Burns. Victim ran into a store and drove to Christiana Hospital in critical condition. Police went to Burns and Evans home were they searched the vehicle and found blood stains that Burns tried to clean up with bleach. Blood stains were visible at crime scene and matched victim that was shot. Another DNA application is a paternity test, my frien d had a baby and the father denied the child. Therefore, the court made the father take a paternity test by swabbing the side of his out.The test came back that he was the father and now he has to pay child support. Lastly, a man In Philadelphia raped a doctor. Surveillance cameras were able to get a picture of the person. Somebody called In with a tip and they went to the person Job. They took blood and hair samples and determines he did Indeed rape the doctor. Population evolution and microbial life is inherited traits through successive generation's overtime. Some examples would be a butterfly that was very colorful. Prior to this type of style, the butterfly used to be a dull color and it was most reverent.The dull butterfly would hide in flowers to avoid being attacked or eaten. But the pollution generated stained the dull color flowers to a bright color. Eventually the dull color butterfly was attack because it could no longer hide by the flowers, which made It less prevalent and made the bright color butterfly more predominant. This example shows how the population had evolved to a higher adaptive condition. Another example would be mutation, a lizard patterns duplicated over time to other lizards from the same family would be considered gene duplication.Lastly, someone an past DNA trait to one family member after another over time. For example, my mother had me and see pass me her traits/DNA. When I had my kids a passed down some of the traits from my mother and the cycle will continue when they have their kids. Biology and diversity refers to all of earth species. There are millions of species living on earth according to scientist. It is important that earth species continue to thrive and evolve because earth would be in danger if we loss biodiversity. The world ecosystem would collapse, food that humans need to fight off certain diseases and crops and plant would not exist.This would be the case because a population with decreased genetic diversity has less ability to evolve In response to environmental change. Also, the enormous genetic diversity of all the organisms on Earth has great potential benefit for people, too. Many researchers and biotechnology leaders are enthusiastic about the potential that genetic â€Å"prospecting† may also hold the key the spread of a deadly new strain of wheat steam rust, a fungal pathogen that has devastated harvests in eastern Africa and central Asia.At least 75% of the wheat varieties planted worldwide is susceptible to this pathogen, but researchers hope to mind a resistance gene in the wild relatives of wheat (Simon, Dickey, & Race). Plants have four stages of evolution. The first stage is bryophytes the lack true roots and leaves. Bryophytes also lack aligning, the wall-hardening material that enables other plants to stand tall. Without liquefied cell walls, bryophytes have weak upright support. The most familiar bryophytes are mosses (Simon, Dickey, & Race). The second one is fe rns seedless plants.Next is gymnosperm, pine trees also known as cone-bearing trees. Lastly, angiosperms bear seeds. Animals have eight life cycles such as meiosis, fertilization, mitosis, blastula, early gastrula, later gastrula, larva and metamorphosis. Population increases, over a specific period of time, in the number of individuals living in a country or region. Population can change throughout the years due to deaths, births and dispersal of individual from separate populations. When resources are functioning properly, the population will increase dramatically.For example, births, death, and environment are natural factors that can affect population growth. Another example of population growth is population loss due to endangerment or extinction. What is biomass and ecosystem? According to Campbell Essential Biology biomass is a major terrestrial or aquatic life zone, characterized by vegetarian type in terrestrial biomass and the physical environment in aquatic biomass and ec osystem is all the organism in a given area, along with the nonliving (biotic) factors with which they interact; a biological community and its physical environment (Simon, Dickey, & Race).The difference between the two is that ecosystem is a community and physical environment where as biomass major terrestrial or aquatic life zone. For example, the ecosystem of northern New York and California have similar plants and animal life, temperature, and amount of sunlight. They combine to make up the tollgate bimbo. Microbial life is short for microbe and it describes many organisms.

Neilsen’s Ice Cream – Marketing Game

[pic] Neilsen’s Ice Cream Report Report Katherine Johnstone HMMA†¢ CAH †¢ January 17, 2011 [pic] Introduction The company that I was part of during this marketing game was known as Nielsen’s Ice Cream. The aim of the game was to earn the most market share by making the right choices in marketing the products, purchasing the inventory, managing human resources, and working together. This report will go through the decisions made, reasons for them, and the outcome. Round 1 When starting out the game, our first round of decisions on marketing can be summed up with the following chart : Price |Marketing Budget |Promotion |Purchase | |Standard Ice Cream |280 |4000 |Commercial – Rich history |500 | |Special Ice Cream |295 |4000 |Commercial – Best quality |500 | |Luxury Ice Cream |295 |4000 |Sales Promotion -Cheap |500 | |Sugar Free Ice Cream |285 |4000 |Commercial – Quality/Price |500 | |Then we moved to our Human Resource Management, and made d ecisions that would affect our company internally. Board Salary: 5500 euro Size Sales Department:20 euro Education Budget:Average –> 2500 euro Working CircumstancesAverage –> 2600 euro Working Conditions:Training for management Training result oriented work Training on team building Flexible working conditions Music workplace To start off the research and development, we more so went with our best guess, feeling that this round would truly come close to being some what of a trail and error round. So the numbers for research and development are as follows: Process: 1000 euro Standard Ice Cream2100 euro Luxury Ice Cream2600 euro Special Ice Cream2400 euro Sugar Free Ice Cream2200 euro Round 2 Looking at the results from the previous round we made according adjustments, which are as follows.Standard Ice Cream With a starting price of 280 euro for the standard ice cream, the product did fairly well on the market. Our market share of the standard ice cream is 29%, which is pleasing, but staying there will be tough. A small change in the price, will be made in order to see if demand goes up or down, or is affected. We will still continue promoting the product a commercial approach, and continue with the same amount of money for the budget (4000 euro). Special Ice Cream Nielsen strongest product was our Special Ice Creams with an amount of 483.We won’t change anything on this product and will see if this does effect the company results in the next round. We will purchase 600 new items for the next round. Luxury Ice Cream The Luxury Ice Cream did a good job in the previous round, but can be improved by making some small changes. Nielsen changes the way of promoting to a Price/Quality advertisement, hoping that form of marketing will catch more attention. Sugar Free Ice Cream We sold 387 units of Sugar free ice creams last round, which is quite a high amount if you compare it with to our competitors.To attempt to increase sales and market share, Ni elsen will lower prices on this product from 285 to 280. The marketing budget of 4000 euro still stands and is put towards a commercial where they are telling about the price and quality relation. Round 3 Standard Ice Cream The standard ice cream was doing quite well the last round, so we felt only minor changes were needed. We had an average quality for this standard ice cream which we changed into a high quality, this is due to we believe that in order to be competitive you can’t settle on average.We purchased 350 products with a good quality. This high quality needs to be compensated by a higher price, because if you are just higher your quality, you will lose money. We changed the price from 285 to 295 euro. We are going to promote this product to a commercial which is giving the rich history of the product. Our marketing budget for the standard ice cream in this round is 4000 euro. With a higher quality and higher price, we should make some more profit out our standard i ce cream. Special Ice Cream Again it seems that the special ice cream is our strongest selling product.We had a price of 295 with a good quality. The changes will be made to up the sales of this special ice cream. We increased the marketing budget from 4000 euro to 4100 euro, so that people won’t loose interest and also to stay ahead of competition. We invested this 4100 euro in a tv commercial where Nielsen’s is proud of the high level of quality at this special ice cream. Because of the high sales we purchased 450 special ice cream on a excellent basis. The sales are very good for this special ice cream, so we made a decision to change the price from 295 to 300 euro.This shouldn’t make such an effect on peoples buying behavior. It’s in relation to change from a good quality to an excellent quality of the purchased items. Luxury Ice Cream The sales of the luxury ice cream weren’t so high in the fourth period. There should be a reason for this, whi ch we need to fix with making some changes. First we want to change the price from 295 to 290. This should people make more convenient to buy our product. When you are just lowering the price, somebody has to know that you made this changes, so we hired up the marketing budget from 4000 to 4200.This money will be invested in a sales promotion, so on that the sales will increase of this product. As a result of bad sales in the previous round, we don’t need such a high purchase of products. We will purchase 150 luxury ice creams on a good quality base. Sugar Free Ice Cream The sugar Free Ice Cream was the weakest product of the 4. With 203 sales and a market share of 15% the sugar free ice cream performed very poorly. We need to change something to higher up the sales and the market share. We changed the price of the sugar free ice cream from 280 to 270.We will promote this prices with a marketing budget of 4000 euro which won’t be changed from the previous round. This m oney will be invested in sponsoring, where we are telling that the sugar free ice cream has the best quality. The sales where such as bad, that we don’t need much to purchase. We are purchasing 150 sugar free ice creams, which should be enough because of an inventory of 400 stocks. Also in an attempt to sell more we had a press release stating that we were offering for a limited time a Holiday Special Sale, which is why the price was then lowered by 10 euros.In Human Resources we were not performing well as far as our staff was concerned, so we decided to try increasing the education budget from ‘average – 2500’ to ‘good-4000’, in hopes that a higher education will provide them with what they need to perform their job and possible be more satisfied. Also, we felt that it was needed to make a few changes in the research and development area as a way to increase the sales of the sugar free ice cream. What we decided was to decrease the budget fo r the luxury ice cream research and cycle it into the sugar-free’s: Process: 1000 euro Standard Ice Cream2100 euro Luxury Ice Cream2600 euro ? 200 euro Special Ice Cream2400 euro Sugar Free Ice Cream2200 euro ? 2600 euro Lastly, we felt that it was time to purchase some market research in the form of a market analysis in order to gain a better understanding of our competitors and the market we are all in. Round 4 Round 5 One key observation made after reviewing the previous rounds results was that with the increase to the education budget there was a slight positive movement in our internal sector. This prompted us to then not only give on more increase of the education budget, but to also provide an increase in funding to the salary department.An unfortunate fallout however from a miscommunication between our group members was our inventory, and this is the round where we could have turned it around if caught in time, however, we neglected the round delay, and ended up runni ng out of stock of certain products. Round 6 The big change was with in the Human Resources as well and the working conditions. After examining the data a little more it was decided to change the working conditions to include the following: Lease espresso machine Training result oriented work Lease ERP software using ASP Lease CRM software using ASP Flexible working conditionsStandard Ice Cream There were a few changes made in the marketing of this product due to declining sales. We went from focusing on the rich history to associating more with price/quality. The pricing seemed high as well so we lowered from 285-275, as well as adjusted the budget from 4100-4000. For inventory, 280 products we purchased at a good quality Luxury Ice Cream We felt the only adjustment should be made was in the pricing, which we lowered from 290-280. Since stocking was also an issue we felt it would be wise to order 400, rather then 150 as in the previous round Special Ice CreamPricing was way to high , so it was determined that hurt our marketshares of this product the most over the past few rounds. In response we lowered the price from 300 down to 280, but increased the budget from 4200 to 4300. Then we shifted the focus of the marketing from best quality to Price/Quality, and ordered 350 in inventory at good quality rather then excellent. Sugar Free Ice Cream Only adjustment made with this product was the purchase of 300 inventory. We looked at the results further and also concluded that we were missing out on market research, which was most definately hurting our chances of competing.After discussing it, we determined that it was wise to purchase market research on the competitors prices, and societies values. The results from the pricing was shocking for us. The whole time our standard ice cream was far to over priced, as was our sugar free, but the changes made previous to the communications mix proved to be almost spot on with the research. But this information was taken h eavily into consideration for the next round of decisions. Round 7 Standard Ice Cream With the huge price difference in our products versus the competitors we decided that the price needed to be lowered immediatly from 275 to 220.Marketing communication match up with the societies values research, but we ordered 300 in inventory and changed the quality to weak. Luxury Ice Cream Comparing our price to the research from the previous round we determined pricing was fine as is, but the marketing communications needed to be changed from price/quality to cheap. We then ordered 500 in inventory with hopes of high future sales. Special Ice Cream The pricing again matched up well enough to stay competitive so we adjusted the communication from price/quality to best quality and also ordered 250 in inventory.Sugar-Free Ice Cream Another big price change was made when we seen that we were almost 20 euros more then the rest, so we dropped from 270 to 250, and also ordered 500 inventory hoping fo r increased sales. There was no change made for the communications. Round 8 Again we ran into the problem of running out of inventory, still not fully realizing the key was in what we were over looking. With hopes to make one final comeback we decided that it would be a good idea to have another press release announcing one more final sale. Looking back, I see that this may have been our fatal error.In response to sending out the press release, our prices had to be lowered further and we done so as follows: Standard Ice Cream: 220 to 205 Luxury Ice Cream : 280 to 250 Special Ice Cream: 280 to 250 Sugar Free Ice Cream:250 to 215 In combination with the lower prices, we also increased the marketing budget to 4500 for each product, in hopes of reaching more people with the new of the sale. We then stacked up inventory ordering 800 standard at weak quality, 800 Luxury average quality, 700 Special at average quality, and 800 Sugar-Free at average quality. ConclusionAll in all the company would have be successful had it not been for the failure to realize the inventory situation earlier. Also, earlier purchasing of market research such as competitors pricing would have proven much more beneficial in earlier rounds. Nielsen’s actually had one of the highest company equities as well as highest net turnover, but dropped drastically in net profits in the final two rounds. Looking back all of these were very simple, if not too simple, mistakes that could have been avoided through clearer communication. [pic] Nielsen’s Ice Cream Logbook Katherine JohnstoneHMMA †¢ CAH †¢ January 17, 2011 [pic] Name:Katherine JohnstoneGroup:Nielsen’sWeek:50, Round 1&2 | When | Who did what? |Task went: – Good/wrong – Why? | |Present at meeting |Before each round |Jef, Dammis and I discussed our strategy and how to implement it |One member left to go home for the holidays, but never mentioned being in contact or showing much concern for the 2 roun ds he would miss | |Actively participating |Before each round |Jef input data as did myself and Dammis |Again, Ross was not around, and neither side tried as they should have to make contact | |Dividing tasks Before each round |Marketing Plan tasks were split, when being redone Dammis did Ross’s Piece |The corrections were only in the pieces Dammis and Jef covered, so I revised mine and theres, and put the report together so that we all still worked together | |Cooperation |Before each round | |Minor arguments, and a small amount of miscommunication, but over all we cooperated well. | |Discussions |Before each round | |Discussed all moves before and during the input of data for each round, and brought up whatever we felt might be or could be a future issue | |Deadlines | | |Marketing Plan- December 8, 2010Round 1- Week 50, Tuesday December 14, 2010 Round 2- Week 50, Friday December 17, 2010 | | Name:Katherine JohnstoneGroup:Nielsen’sWeek: 1, Rounds 3&4 | When | Who did what? |Task went: – Good/wrong – Why? | |Present at meeting |Before each round | |Ross and Myself just arrived back this day, but Jef was absent, so Myself and Ross met with Dammis on Skype | |Actively participating |Before each round | |Dammis and I made most of the decisions, while Ross tried to catch up and understand what we were doing | |Dividing tasks |Before each round | |I input the data while Ross and Dammis discussed | |Cooperation Before each round | |Everyone present coorperated and agreed on everything | |Discussions |Before each round | |Sometimes they were a little heated, but points were always made, but somethings did get over looked. | |Deadlines | | |Round 3- January 4, 2011 Round 4- January 7, 2011 | | Name:Katherine JohnstoneGroup:Nielsen’sWeek:2, rounds 5&6 | When | Who did what? |Task went: – Good/wrong – Why? | |Present at meeting |Before each round | |All were present at the second last meeting, but it was just myself and Ross at the last meeting | |Actively participating Before each round | |Not everyone was involved and some members seemed uninterested in completing the rounds | |Dividing tasks |Before each round | |Usually it was just myself and dammis inputting the data as well as reviewing it | |Cooperation |Before each round | |Not everyone helped to make the decisions, but those who did agreed and cooperated well | |Discussions |Before each round | |Missed out on the little fact about inventory because a dicussion was never finished | |Deadlines | | |Round 5- January 11, 2011 Round 6- January 14, 2011 Marketing Report and Logbook- January 17, 2011 | |